This story really has less to do with as specific incident, then a urinal phenomenon. This issue is so bad that many restrooms have pads or floor covers in front of the urinals. I first noticed this many years ago, when I was a drinker(Don’t touch the stuff now). It is the ever growing puddle in front of the urinals? Come on guys we have been trained since we were young boys to hit the spot. Yet the vast majority of us still can’t seem to get the concept?
More recently, I have made a conscious effort to figure out why this occurs(Some folks may say size)? What I have learned is this that many guys do not like standing in urine, I get that. Sounds really simple right? Well it’s simple when the urine puddle is small, we can over come the distance. As the urine puddle grows we can no longer ensure accuracy or distance. Which for those of you that still frequent the drinking establishment creates a problem. Correct me if I’m wrong(that does happen often) , but by the end of a good night you are shooting for distance, over a three to four foot puddle.
Now to how do I apply this to my thinking process? Well let me tell you in the Urinal Magic way. See I woke up this morning thinking about debt. My personal debt, and of course the debt of this great country that we live in. Imagine with me that debt was like the urine puddle. It starts with a few dribbles on the floor, and with out some maintenance it will grow into something really disgusting. Once it reaches the disgusting stage there is no easy solution.
Solution for the dribbles are minor, in fact most of the time we can solve the problem with a paper towel. However once we get to the puddle stage you are going to need a mop and rubber gloves, bear minimum. In the case of the puddle that I’m loving call the national debt(with the government on a three day binge), we may need a full fledged hazmat team. There really is no easy way to overcome this without, drastic measures.
Cleaning the “Public Urinal”-Cut government spending
Personally I would start by cutting the income of the top 10% of government wage earners. I see spending as out of control and reckless. The folks that would be effected want us to do more with less, why are we not asking them to do the same. Reduce entitlements, I know this isn’t popular but either is the largest “urine puddle” in our nations history. Last but certainly not least pass a balanced budget amendment to the constitution. See these are drastic measures and at this point we must keep the urine off the floor!
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