Saturday, February 15, 2014

Urinal Magic, Poker?

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So I was sitting on the couch today thinking about what I should write next?  Ok, so really I was putting off school work as I am in my last class (the capstone) for my Degree in Management.  This really interesting thought, more like a concept came in my head.  At first I was not sure exactly how to write it but as the day went on, it all became clearer and clearer.  So here it is!

Four urinals sit down to play poker? Yes even urinals play poker at least they do in my mind.  So they are all sitting around one of those fancy felt poker tables (that visualization was exactly what I was looking for).  The thing is that they had no cards or “hands”, so as they sit there they began to come up with the a way to play.  One urinal we will call him Otto for the sake of conversation. Otto suggests that they use their individual experiences from the previous day as the substitute for cards?  One of the other urinals we will call him Manuel, quickly agreed.  So the game began,

Otto speaking up first said “Hey, I had two sets twins come into the restroom yesterday and I serviced them, so I have two pair!” 

Clearly Otto was excited and exclaimed “Beat that!”

The next urinal at the table was we will call Shorty, because he tends to be the lower urinal in the restroom that is often used by the smaller children.

Shorty proclaimed loud and boisterously, “I have you beat Otto, you see I am an auto flush urinal like you Otto, but I had one young man manually flush me yesterday! So clearly I have a Flush!”

The third urinal, whom will remain nameless for the simple fact that he decided to fold…clearly a boring urinal without an imagination (I never really liked him anyhow!).

Then there was Manuel…who so quickly agreed to the game.

Manuel jumps from his seat and proclaims “I have won the game!”  You see today I had the distinct pleasure of servicing the President of the United States!”

Shorty shouts “how does that beat my flush?”

Manuel replies “well since I am a manual flush urinal, and Mr. Obama appears to be straight and thinks he is royalty, I have a Royal Straight Flush! Clearly a royal straight flush beats everything.”

The urinals having had their poker night returned to their respective homes, Otto as he attached himself to the wall said “I sure wish I could be president, so I could do whatever I want!”  Instead the urinals hang there on the wall diligently serving the public!

Just a thought that I had...

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