Thursday, February 13, 2014

Urinal Magic...The Odor in The AIR?

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On Thursday of this week. I once again had a rest room experience that was odd. I was having a pretty bad day and my routine was slightly off. So my bathroom break didn’t hit until 9:30ish in the morning. I walked into the restroom and notices that their was a very strong odor( odor in a rest room is not a shock by it’s self ). I approach my favorite urinal and begin to do my business. Then it happened, when I least expected it.

There was a taller gentlemen using the other urinal stall(understand that I’m 6’2”) . In a moment the man next to me let one rip. Also not a shock, as men we often release our hot air during restroom breaks. The shocker was that the damn thing squeaked(It soundly like when you put grass between your thumbs and blow). I’m a guy, I fart and I’m generally proud of the fact. I often compare length and volume when I fart to others, so I consider myself somewhat of an expert.

That was not a fart it was like the last gasp of hot air. Which brings me to the point of this. Something else happened on Thursday that showed a last gasp of hot air. I knew it was going on but I didn’t put the two together until later that night. I return to my busy day and moved on from the awkward moment. Just so you know the day really didn’t get any better, in fact the whole day pretty much sucked.

I got home that evening and I was on my own. What I mean is the kids and Cathy had basketball so I had a quiet night to reflect on the day as I watched TV. I perused the news networks, to try to get up to date on the “Health Care summit”. Once again Mr. Obama showed his arrogance and ignorance to the issue. With the TV cameras rolling, he belittled and rudely interrupted anyone that did not fall in line. Of course the CNNs and MSNBCs of the world showed their true colors once again(I hate media bias).

What I saw was this. A room full of career politicians standing at their urinals, every once in a while there would be a squeaky fart that slipped out. Filling the room full of smelly hot gas. I don’t care what side of the debate you are on. Both sides have a big tall guy in their pocket spewing smelly gas into the conversation. This whole thing smells, and if you can’t hear the squeaky fart, and smell the stinky gas…well maybe you need to seek some medical attention.

Which led to this thought, does double flushing the urinal help remove the smell? I didn’t do the science on this but I think not.

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