Sunday, February 9, 2014

Urinal Magic, Wishing Well?

So today it came to me in a private moment in a public restroom. As some of you know I work in a public business. So I use the public restrooms quite frequently…some might even say excessively. Over the last year or so I have noticed a strange but increasingly more frequent issue. Let me just say it, it’s freaking weird. 

I have noticed several urinal phenomena over the years, but this is different. There is the strange but every growing puddles, there are the gum flushers, and there was a time when I worked in New York I spent a day talking to a associate about the unbelievable amount of calcium build up in one. This is different! 

So what in the world is it that has me all messed up? It’s MONEY! Today was the straw that broke the camels back as they say. I began to pee and looked down( Yes I can see over my big belly) there it was in the bottom of the urinal a pile of change. So my first though was what a waste in today’s economy. Then the light went off! 

It was a culmination of months of urinal interactions and observations. As men we only have a few private moments in our life, and restroom time is one of them. We don’t want to be seen wishing or hoping for CHANGE in public space. So we have become closet “wishing well user”(substitute well for urinal)! To be completely honest at that moment I realized the true extent of our problem. 

You ask me “What problem?” Well we are using urinals as wishing wells…Right? Our Government is spending money like water…Right? We are flushing our money down the drain…Right? At that point I reached in my pocket and grabbed a dime, threw it right in the urinal and made a wish…Any guesses what I wished for? 

Hint: It has to do with CHANGE!

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