Sunday, February 23, 2014

Urinal Magic, Clowns!

Urinal Magic, Clowns!
Sorry for the urinal fans out there but there are no urinals in this post.

I was sitting on the couch yesterday, having a conversation with my sister.  She mentioned that she had heard on the radio that there was a clown shortage (this is for real).  For those of you that do not know my family has a party rental/entertainment company.  So I wanted to see what this clown shortage was really about.  I Googled it and read the article.  Wow in 2012 there were 3,500 clowns, now there are only 2,500.   I must tell you that the shortage of clowns really has me concerned!

Ok, back to the conversation with my sister last night.  She tells me the story which she heard on the radio.  Of course, I immediately replied if we want clowns we need to stop electing them to Washington D.C.  Of course this got the chuckle that you would expect, but it is true we keep electing the most qualified clown to public office.  Soon the clown will be extinct.

I decided that I want to start a non-profit company to save the clowns.  We want to save the tree, whales, and every other thing on the planet.  I say let us start to save the clowns! First step is to stop electing them to public office!

Who is with me!

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